Prolapse Repair Suspension: A Case Study

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The reconstructive surgery repairs or restores the structure that is damaged7. There are many kinds of prolapse treatment with or without mesh to perform vaginally such as transvaginal mesh, vaginal native tissue colporrhaphy, sacrospinous ligament fixation, iliococcygeus ligament suspension, uterosacral ligament suspension. By a laparoscopic, laparotomy or laparoscopic-assisted robotic approach such as Sacrocolpopexy, Uterosacral ligament suspension27. Due to the association of damage of several compartments, more than one procedure can be performed concomitantly in a patient44. Based on the above information, chambers are categorized into three sites, apical, anterior and posterior. Each of which has a specific procedure. Anterior compartment Colporrhaphy is the treatment of anterior compartment defect also known as cystocele3. It repairs the pubocervical fascia. It is, by the way, the most used method in prolapse repair42. Thus, can be performed on native tissue27 or by replacing the damaged and weakened tissue by a mesh 3, 27. The association of a paravaginal defect will include an attachment of the vaginal fibromuscular layer to the Arcus tendinous facia pelvis42. Vaginal Apex prolapses The …show more content…

Accordingly, the ASC became the gold treatment of apical vaginal prolapse. The use of graft in abdominal procedure was inserted in 1970 to reduce the tension of the elevated organ32. In 1991 the first laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy was performed31. Then, developed in 1994 by Nazhat et al. In 2001 the US FDA gave its approval on the use of mesh for abdominal approach32. The Sacrocolpopexy suspends the top of the vagina to the sacrum; it has a reputation of conservation of the general anatomy of the vagina, its mobility, and avoid it's shortening as well42. Therefore, offers a long-term success rate of about 90

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