
Disadvantages Of Recreation

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Recreation as an essential landuse Due to competing demands for land, there is extreme Pressure for land. However, recreation stems from a basic human need for activities that are essential to the mental and physical well-being of the individual and the community as a whole. It therefore encourages participation in recreational pursuits and seeks to ensure that appropriate opportunities are available to meet the needs of the people. Recreation is accepted as an essential activity for which land must be allocated. However, it is also recognised that much active recreation can be provided for without the need to set aside exclusive land areas. Apart from recreation use, open space also allows the penetration of sunlight and air movement, as well as for planting areas for landscaping. It is also an essential land use element in urban design. These functions are particularly important in a high density, high-rise built-environment as seen in developed cities of today. Recreation at the city scale is also referred to “recreation as a landuse”. It should be noted that recreation at this level needs a landuse to exist. This could be public or private parks or open spaces. An open pace includes golf courses, private beaches, and broad open spaces. Parks includes neighborhood parks, School Park, district parks, sector parks, plazas, central parks as well as national parks. Parks and open spaces within the city are referred to as green infrastructure. Advantages of recreational
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