The Importance Of Social Support

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Albrecht and Adelman (1987) defined social support as "verbal and nonverbal communication between recipients and providers that reduces uncertainty about the situation, the self, the other, or the relationship, and function to enhance a perception of personal control in one's life experience"(P.19). According to this definition, social support is any type of communication that helps individuals feel more certain about a situation and therefore feel as if they have control over the situation. Also the Social support is one of most important factors in predicting the physical health and well being of everyone, ranging from childhood through older adults. The absence of social support shows some disadvantage among the impacted …show more content…

For example, you may have a friend who is slightly overweight and wants to start a new exercise routine. Knowing that he is not entirely confident in his ability to lose weight, you might say to him," I know you can do it because you are always good at sticking to a schedule." This reminder to your friend would be an effort to increase your friend's confidence and decrease her feelings of stress. The most important esteem support is support your self esteem, because if you have a good self esteem support absolutely you can support other to believe in their ability to do a handle a problem or to do anything else in their life. Self-esteem results from viewing yourself positively within the context of your surroundings. How well you get along with peers and family members and how you judge yourself in comparison with others shapes your self-esteem. Whether at home, school, or the workplace, how well you understand and respond to ever-changing interpersonal demands also shapes your self-esteem. Self-esteem is a powerful predictor of success, Positive self-esteem may be as important to success in school and on the job as the mastery of individual skills. Therefore, you will have the power to help people and support them for the improvement of the problems they may face. The third type of social …show more content…

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