Disappearance Of Kush In Ancient Egypt

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Kush was a powerful kingdom that came from the area of Nubia. Kush was able to achieve such power because of their location on the Nile River and the resources that was found. The area was plentiful with timber, iron ore, gold, ivory, and other resources that were useful for trade. Kush was a country that learned from its mistakes and was the main reason it was able to be as powerful. Kush had a great impact on trade that affected Egypt and present day Sudan. Their fall is not completely understood, but the rise of Axum was the main reason for the decline and disappearance of Kush. This country’s boundaries and cities was not very constant because of different conquests. A one point, Kush had conquered all of Egypt, but was push out by the …show more content…

They found iron ore at Meroe. With iron weapons, Kush tried to push their boarders back and move back into Egypt. They were able to gain some land, but ultimately lost and almost lost Meroe in the process. Meroe was able to become stable again and were prosperous from 12 BC to 300 AD. Meroe was finally lost around 300 AD because of the over exploited of resources. The fall of Meroe lead to the fall of Kush …show more content…

Through multiple conquests against the Egyptians and Assyrians, Kush kept getting pushed farther south from their original location. Kush had conquered all of Egypt until the Assyrians pushed them back. This was because of their use in iron weapons that easily defeated the bronze weapons used by the Kushites. Kush had three capitals. First was Kerma then it was moved to Napata and lastly was moved to Meroe. Moving their capital to Meroe was the greatest impact on Kush. There they found iron ores and timber to which they were able to make iron. Along with iron, they also found gold and began a very successful trade system with other countries. They were able to trade along the East Asia and the Mediterranean. Kush became very wealthy and powerful through their trade, they finally crashed because of attacks from nomads. These attacks from Axum and other countries helped Kush go into a decline and soon disappeared. The downfall of Kush was gradual. It started with their army not being as big or strong and allowing foreigners to conquer them. Kush was a powerful and wealthy country because they used their resources for the benefits of everyone. But they overexploited them and that was their major downfall. Kush disappeared after Axum took control, and now is present day

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