Discharge Process In Health Care

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Dheebika.G, MBA, KCT Business School, Coimbatore dgdheepak07@gmail.com
In the present competitive world, quality of health care is playing an important role in the modern society. Among various factors affecting the health care system, discharge process is one of the important factors related to patient satisfaction. Hospital discharge process is one of the very lengthy procedures. The process of discharging patients is complex requiring the coordination of multiple different groups including physicians, nurses, ancillary service staff, patients, their families and in some settings the finance/billing department.
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From the results obtained it clearly stratifies two different factors contributing to the delay in the discharge process i.e the time taken for billing and time taken for the ready of the discharge summary. The factor of the ready of the discharge summary is directly connected with the CRRI and their availability.
The maximum time limit according to NABH and lower control limit is set to be 1 hours for each categories. On the whole of 401 discharges monitored, only 71discharges where falling under the category of discharges happening within 3 hours. This shows that the process is critically unstable. Hence the time taken for the patient’s discharge is more for the general ward than the special ward. The time taken for billing almost takes about 4 hours for the special ward patients and the time taken for billing almost takes about 5 ½ - 6 ½ hours for the general ward patients. SUGGESTIONS
• Planned discharges will make the entire process to move in a smoother …show more content…

A clinician can start the day with a complete view of new patients and those scheduled for discharge. It’s also easy to view patient vital signs, order status, panic value alerts and approval orders. Built-in notes make it easy to collaborate with other members of the care team within the app. Similarly the Message for Healthcare app keeps care teams connected while ensuring patient information is secure. Message for Healthcare makes it easy to send and receive text messages, photos and voice memos — even sync data between different devices. With fewer communication lapses, patient discharges are more efficient, and care is