Discipline In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Throughout time and history, literature and art, the topic of civil discipline has always been an issue of debate and war. More than once people both innocent and guilty have died affirming their beliefs on the subject, effectively making them a martyr. To Kill a Mockingbird, a story set during the Great Depression by Harper Lee, critically analyzes this topic of punishment and forgiveness, and the consequences of unjustly condemning the innocent. The political concerns of this era also reflect the ideals present in the book, and show the conflicting ideas of the weak against the strong, and how history has always favored the latter. Especially within both the World Wars, figures such as Archduke Ferdinand, Chamberlain, Hitler, Winston, Stalin, and the League of Nations, to name a few, have gone through their respective struggles as they deal with persecution and salvation. Truly an uphill battle, these characters fought against their oppositions to achieve their goals, and paid the price. Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the prince of Austria before his untimely death, was shot and killed on the day of June 28th, 1914, his wedding anniversary. (“Archduke Franz Ferdinand Assassinated”, 2014) It was because of the disapproval of his wife, who was not technically royal, that brought about his doom. This single event broke out into what we now know as WWI. This event was significant not only because of how it changed the world, but because it molded how the population would react to