Discovering Your Authentic Leadership Summary

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According to “Discovering Your Authentic Leadership” article, a great amount of studies has been conducted during the past 50 years in order to identify an ideal leader’s set of traits, characteristics and, styles. One hundred and twenty five business leaders from different racial, religious, and socioeconomic backgrounds were interviewed to understand how leaders become, and remain authentic. The outcome is very clear, there is no ideal leader and it is impossible being successful emulating someone else. The core to leadership is simple: be yourself genuinely and authentically. The potential to be a leader can be discovered at any time. It is not necessary to be born with specific characteristics or to be at the top of the organization. Showing …show more content…

Vasella reframed his dificult past in a positive way. He decided to become an individual practitioner in order to help as many people as possible. Then, he succeeded in Sandoz at the pharmaceutical industry as a sales representative and as a product manager as well. Vasella was named CEO of Novartis (merger between Sandoz and Ciba-Geigy) and he debuted as a compassionate leader. Taking as reference his frustrated physician role, he built and stablished a new business culture where compassion, competition and competence were the top essentials. Foreseeing the opportunity to create a global health care company is a clear example of how visionary and caring Daniel Vasella is. His authentic leadership has been found and developed from his turbulent past which was transformed in a profound understanding of his leadership purpose. On the other hand, leaders do not dedicate time enough to knowing themselves, and that is actually the most important capability for leaders to develop. Money, fame, power, or status are the standard visualization of success that leaders have. However, that professional success concept …show more content…

When your values are under pressure, your priorities, what you are prepared to sacrifice, and what trade-offs you are willing to make, come to light. Leadership principles are defined as values translated into actions, therefore it is better testing them during chaotic situations and being proactive about the outcome. Values are not conveniently molded to fit particular situations. They are permanently stamped in ourselves as natural impulses that never go sour or find themselves out of style. Furthermore, authentic leaders need to have a balance between extrinsic (recognition and status) and intrinsic (sense of the meaning of life: personal growth) motivations. It is very important to identify the sources of happiness and fulfillment. Intrinsic motivation is on harmony with your set of values and more rewarding than extrinsic

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