Discrimination And Acculturation

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Exposé for a master thesis on the subject
„Influence of perceived discrimination on Acculturation and subjective well-being of immigrants in Austria”
Migration is a process that is almost always stressful and can lead to psychological problems. Immigrants are facing increased stress related to the adjustment to a new way of life: the loss of extended family and social networks, loss of employment and social status, change roles and intergenerational conflicts, difficulties in social integration and difficult access to social and health services due to linguistics and systemic barriers. ( Sabatier et al. 2008 ).

One of the main stressors for immigrants is discrimination. Such experience influences the sense of belonging and psycho-social integration, …show more content…

The hypothesis would be the following:

H1: there is a relationship between perceived discrimination and subjective well-being of immigrants. It is assumed, that the immigrants who are declared to have been discriminated will show less subjective well-being as opposed to immigrants who have not experienced any form of discrimination.
H2: there is a relationship between perceived discrimination and the choice of acculturation strategies that immigrants use. It is assumed that the immigrants who are discriminated would use the strategy of marginalization ( exclusion from the host culture as well as from the ethnic culture ) or separation ( exclusion from the host culture but not from the ethnic culture ). On the other hand, immigrants who are not discriminated would use the strategy of integration ( maintenance of interest to both cultures ) or assimilation ( adoption the values and identity of the host culture with little interest in ethnic culture ).
The study will be used the following …show more content…

The scale is two-dimensional, it measures two separate dimensions and gives two separate score- one for orientation towards the ethnic culture and the other for orientation to the host culture; also enables the division of subjects into four acculturation strategies: marginalization, separation, integration and assimilation. It consists of three subscales: knowledge of the language, use of the language and the use of electronic media related to language. The items in the scale relate to how the respondents well speak, write, read, understand German and their mother language and how often they use german and mother language in everyday life and communication with friends, how often they listen to the radio, music or watch TV on german and mother language. Each question is written twice: in german and in the mother language, to measure both linguistic orientations. Answers were ranked on the four-point scale from “very often” to “almost