Discrimination In 12 Angry Men

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In the movie Twelve Angry Men each character, or juror, has varying personalities. In particular, Jurors 8, 10, and 3 stuck out to me the most. All three of them are completely different people, with little in common. Some are prejudiced, some are not. Most people think: Oh, if you’re on a jury there should be no prejudice whatsoever or it won’t be fair. But is that really a bad thing? In other words, everyone views the world differently, and although this may lead to some personal prejudice, these different opinions can give different sides to each story to help solve a case. In the movie, Juror 8 stands alone. When all other jurors vote for the teenager to die, he is the lone opposer. He is strong, but not overly sharp, as he doesn’t get …show more content…

Juror 10 in the movie is a racist bigot. He doesn’t care what others think, even if they’re bringing up perfectly good points. Whenever someone contradicts him, he brushes them off. In the movie, Jurors 8 and 5 bring up a very good point about the use of switchblades. Afterward, there’s a vote, and the vote is nine to three in favor of acquittal. Instead of asking questions, Juror 10 breaks off into a racist speech. He says, “I don 't understand you people. How can you believe this kid is innocent? Look, you know how those people lie. l don 't have to tell you. They don 't know what the truth is. And lemme tell you, they don 't need any real big reason to kill someone either. You know, they get drunk, and bang, someone 's lying in the gutter. Nobody 's blaming them. That 's how they are. You know what I mean? Violent!” (Twelve Angry Men). He is inconsiderate, not listening to anyone other than himself. He is stubborn and sharp. Therefore, Juror 10 would best be symbolized by a triangle. The thick, black border symbolizes that he hides behind a veil of racism and prejudice. The triangle is gray because Juror 10 is just empty. His description at the beginning says, “a man who has been nowhere and is going nowhere and knows it deep within him” (Twelve Angry Men). There is a small yellow circle in the center, symbolizing his core. Yellow is known to mean several things, but a big one is cowardice. The movie says, “A bigot who places no values on any human life save his own” …show more content…

Juror 3, though not as bad as Juror 10, has his fair share of flaws. He is rude to other jurors and doesn’t listen to reason. He gets angry easily. Whenever someone somewhat disagrees with him, he instantly holds a grudge. His main reason for acting this way though, is due to all of the emotional baggage he brought with him into the courthouse. Juror 3 has his heart set that the boy is guilty, only because his own son left him years ago. In the movie he explains, I 've got a kid. When he was eight years old, he ran away from a fight. I saw him. I was so ashamed, I told him right out, ‘I 'm gonna make a man out of you or I 'm gonna bust you up into little pieces trying.’ When he was fifteen he hit me in the face. He 's big, you know. I haven 't seen him in three years. Rotten kid! You work your heart out” (Twelve Angry Men). Every single other jury member has some reason as to why they voted, whether it be prejudice, gut feeling, based on the evidence, or just voting with the majority so they can all go home. Juror 3 is different. While everyone else contributes something about the case into their reason, Juror 3 simply chooses guilty based on events in his past. Nothing else. He’s different than the other jurors. He doesn’t quite fit in. Accordingly, Juror 3 would best be symbolized as a trapezoid. The trapezoid has a thick, red border to symbolize the layers of anger and sadism Juror 3 buries himself under. When accused of being a sadist, he succumbed to his