Discuss The Criteria To Decide The Level Of Service

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Tip four: Decide the level of service You should decide the level of service by pondering about following questions. Will this program be for some students such as honor classes, or many students such as mini courses to engage and verify the interest of students? At this point you may want to consider to discover more about the levels of service, which you can find more information in this link. In other words, by deciding the level of the service, you will be clarifying whom is the program intended. As you know each child is different and what are the talent areas you will address in this program. This is no different than deciding the scope of a project. There are numerous gifted programs, without knowing the program scope you can’t reach …show more content…

In this way, you will define ways of implementation of the program. Goals are broad statements of major outcomes or purposes to be attained. Objectives are more specific, they are commitment to particular actions. While you are formulating your goals and objectives, you might be to consider student outcomes and institutional outcome. For instance, if your goal “Fostering productive thinking among students” and your objective is “Students will demonstrate expertise in creative and critical thinking. Tip six: Define the criteria to be in this program You must define the criteria to be in this program. When you decided which student will attend this program, will you follow the district standards or will you consider the standardized test scores, or will you take in to consideration the teacher, parents and peers nomination? Or you may consider to monitor records of students. Tip Seven: Coordination and Staff In this part you ned to think about the practical issues. How will the program be implemented and what resources you have? Do you have a staff and a classroom for this program? Do you need to train personel for this program? All these questions might answer easily with coordinating the sources which district will provide for

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