Discuss The Design Argument For The Existence Of God

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sense for him to be the reason we are born to then die leaving a question mark to our existence and the world.
God exists because there can be none greater that can be thought. The ontological argument begins with the claim that God, by definition, is infinitely great. Thus, no entity can surpass God’s greatness. One of the many famous arguments proving God’s existence by a seventeenth-century famed philosopher Anselm. Anselm’s reasoning was that, if a being existed only in the mind but not in reality, then a greater being was conceivable (a being which exists both in the mind and in reality). Since God is an infinitely great being, therefore, God must exist. Anselm logically proved that God existed by our understanding aside from reality and our understanding combined with reality. Another argument is the cosmological arguments. It begins by examining some empirical or metaphysical fact of the universe, from which it then follows that something outside the universe must have caused it to exist. According to Craig, the Kalam Cosmological Argument is constructed as follows Whatever begins to exist, has a cause of its existence. …show more content…

The design argument begins from the observation that the parts of plants and animals are brilliantly adapted to serve the purposes of the organisms whose parts they are. This argument is to respond to the argument of how things are living without a creator. For humans, animals, and plants to exist there must be a creator. The designer has to be greater and bigger than anything in the universe. Another argument to follow is the moral argument. The moral argument for the existence of God refers to the claim that God is needed to provide a coherent ontological foundation for the existence of objective moral values and duties. This argument is based on two premises. Premise 1: If God does not exist, then objective moral values and duties do not