Discuss The Four Indicators That Can Be Detrimental To Student Achievement

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Chapter 4 discusses four indicators that can be detrimental to student’s achievement. Teacher education, teacher experience, teacher mobility (changing campuses annually), and teacher certification, which all impact student achievement; especially if inequality is consistent over a period. All students must have equal access to teachers that are considered “highly qualified teachers” Skrla et al. (2009). Since teacher mobility is one of the four readily available direct measurement indicators if the teachers are entering into the campus as a transfer and are not equally distributed among the various groups of students such as gifted and talented, advanced placement, students of color, and students with low income, learning inequities would exist.
As discussed in Chapter 4, schools with high teacher mobility rates face the greatest educational changes due to the effects of various programs throughout the campus, different grade levels, and groups of students. Also, when you experience high turnover rates, you continuously have educators who are going through what is known as a learning curve period on the new campus because they have to familiarize themselves with a new school …show more content…

Unfortunately, based on years of experience, as shown Table 4.3 in Chapter 4, those teachers with a higher number of years of experience tend to have a higher level of students due to campus culture. Those teachers feel like they should have seniority because they have more years of experience and have been at the school longer (known as a sense of entitlement). When administrators allow inequity such as this, it leaves mobility teachers and new teachers to instruct those students who have greater learning needs such as English as a Second Language (ESL), special education, students of color, or low income Skrla et al.