Discuss The Impact Of Technology On Air Force

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Air platforms and weapons are the means of airpower to accomplish its ends, and then good means are a significant part of the success in the air domain. Since 1947, technology has had the greatest impact on the employment of American airpower. In this essay, I discussed the relation of technology with airpower at the emergence of the independent Air Force, the use of technology in Korea and Vietnam and the impact of space technologies in modern air war. Oxford Dictionary defines technology as the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes. This not only is referred to the production of hardware, also are included here the innovation and ingenuity of users adapting the new capabilities of platforms and weapons to the environment …show more content…

His apprehensiveness to reveal details of war plan operations in Korea did not allow Bomber Command to use chaff, electronic radar jamming techniques, cell tactics or anything else that would give information to the enemy that possibly would be used against us in the event of all-out war. Therefore, limited use of technology prevented airpower to be decisive in this war, but Air Force presented the outcome as a success and looked for predominance among armed-force capabilities. In Crane’s opinion, the Korean experience detracted from the preparedness of SAC crews for general war. Besides, the main tenets of SAC did not change and the contribution of technology to airpower was misunderstood as a reliance only in hardware. The lack of innovation and feedback was evident during Cuban missile crisis, when none of the SAC bombers were able to carry conventional …show more content…

North Vietnamese forces integrated radar with anti-aircraft artillery (AAA), surface-air missiles (SAM) and fighter aircraft in a new way to deny airspace. As a result, 1737 American aircraft were lost: 1443 due to AAA, 111 due to SAM and 67 were shot down in air combat, meanwhile North Vietnam lost 137 aircraft . This was the first time that bought ways of war were tested, and it should have been a constant adaptation to the results of the campaign. Even though American hardware was more sophisticated, including beyond-visual-range missiles, precision guided weapons and electronic warfare systems, the results were alarming. A good reason to understand this is the different use of