
Discuss The Treatment Of Women In Charlotte Perkins Gilman's The Yellow Wallpaper

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The short story “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Perkins Gilman is a literary compostion that divulges what women of the 1890’s were submissive to in a traditional nuclear family. While revealing what transpires in a typical hudband and wife relationship, she also condems it in hopes of bringinh on a change. The main character who is later rvealed to us as Jane is undergoing treatment for her “tempory nervous depression” and “ slight hysterical tendacies”. The tactics of her treatment are being locked inside a room with barred windows, a nailed down bed, lack of communation to the outside world and a yellow wallpa per that reflects her situation. Gilman begins by introducing the problematic in the relationship, her husband who doubles as her controlling physician. John is representative of a stereotypical man. His characters foundation is established when GIlan states “john laughs at me, of course, but one expects that in a marriage”. He also belittles her on several occasions, by csaying things to her such as “ what is it little girl” or referring to her as his “ blessed little goose’. …show more content…

By saying this she adknoleges her husbands supremency even if her personal well being is at stake. John is away all day and even some nights whenhis cases are srrious.”, but he still admistrates all of his wives daily action. She is restriced from leaving the room, talking to anybody other than those in the house and most importantly writing. In fact she states “ am absolutely forbidden to “work” until I am well again” By implicating these rules John submits Jane to the roles of a women, not working and tending to the home. Conforming to this gender role cause her to become a prisoner to their marriage as well as the room but she has yet

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