Discuss What You Understand Theory To Be And The Purpose Of Theory

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1.Define theory in your own terms. Discuss what you understand theory to be and the purpose of theory in general. I define theory as the rationale that one uses to navigate life situations on a daily basis; it is evidence based information that leads to quantifiable outcomes and provides insight into many of our life experiences. I believe the purpose of theory is to help one establish a personal system of beliefs and ideas to navigate this life. Theory allows us the opportunity to develop our individuality and plays a vital role in determining our future. 2.Based on your reading, discuss briefly how you think you currently use theory in your own practice…or do you? If you did this, discuss a website that you may have visited or another reference you used. …show more content…

The theory I used most while at work was developed by Dr. Ernest Codman and is known as the end-result system of hospital standardization. This theory was established to monitor patient outcomes while undergoing the same treatment plan to see if complications and less than desirable outcomes could be avoided (Butts & Rich, 2018, p.377). This theory places emphasis on evidenced-based practice and ensures that patient outcome is the priority. Dr. Codman’s belief was that “care rendered to patients should be catalogued, quantified, and followed” (Greene, 2014, p. 631). This theory is utilized within the hospital on every patient under national standards known as core measures. Core measures work to ensure favorable outcomes hopefully eliminating complications, maintaining an appropriate length of stay, and resulting in favorable outcomes for all patients (HCPro, 2016). My role as a case manager is to ensure that the protocols established for certain diagnoses are followed by all physicians, therefore I use this theory on a daily basis with all

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