Discussion Questions And Answers On Melinda By Laurie Halse Anderson

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1) Why might have Laurie Halse Anderson picked the bus to set the mood of the novel?
I think she picked the bus to set the mood of the novel to foreshadow Melinda's high school life. She is alone and bullied on the bus and that's exactly how it turns out in the story.

2) What are two different places where Melinda is happy?
In my opinion the 3 places where Melinda is happy is one, the art room because she can freely express herself without anyone bothering her. Two, her closet (at first) because she spends time cleaning and polishing it up which takes her mind off things and she goes there to be alone and not be bothered.

3) How does Melinda's home atmosphere change after the summer party?
Well, before the summer party Melinda is thinking about how good her life in high school will be and she is all cheery and happy, she interacts with her parents and isn't locked up in her room all the time. After the summer party Melinda's mood drops she suddenly feels all depressed and try's avoiding her parents as much as possible barely ever talking to them.

4) What makes art class such a positive place for Melinda?
Mr. Freeman is one of the few people Melinda trusts. He is also the first person she tells about her rape. …show more content…

Although the trip is spontaneous, she's spent her freshman year preparing for it. It takes courage to face the fears and the loss the spot symbolizes. Her "heart thuds" and her "hands shake" as she approaches the place. At the same time, she realizes that the spot itself is innocent and "normal,"even pleasant. When she touches the tree, the silent witness to the crime against her, she tries to read it like "a braille code". The tree is important to the setting because it shows how Melinda is turning to the natural world to help her solve her human problems. This identification with nature helps her see herself as natural and capable of growth, rather than an alien and