Discussion Questions For Night By Elie Wiesel

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1. Elie Wiesel was a Holocaust survivor, and an author who supports human rights and peace. Wiesel wrote a novel called Night, which is based off his personal experience in the Holocaust. He was born in 1928, in Romania, and died at the age of eighty-seven. When the Holocaust happened, Wiesel was twelve, and lived with his parents and two sisters. His family was highly respected in the Jewish community. However, when Wiesel turned fifteen, his family was sent to the Auschwitz concentration camp.

2. Wiesel lived in Romania around 1941, where he was the only son of a very religious Jewish family. During this time period, the German defeated the Hungarian government, and the Jewish were forced to wear yellow stars. The Germans, the Nazis, then slowly killed the Jews, …show more content…

If other people were to describe Wiesel, they might say that he is the symbol of hope. Wiesel lived through one of the darkest times in history, and lived to tell people about his story. He is the living memory of what Jewish people went through during the Holocaust, and he supports other survivors. Elie wrote about the horrors in the concentration camp, and educated readers by describing his past.

4. Elie Wiesel was very optimistic about his occurrences, and believed he survived for a reason. Wiesel have said that he survived to speak for the millions of Jewish who died during the Holocaust. Even though Wiesel faced a scary past, he uses his experience as his strength. He formed memorials for the victims, and used his name to cause awareness.

5. There were many struggles that Elie Wiesel had to face, and the first would be that his family was separated from him. The German separated his mom and sisters away from him and his father. Wiesel had to watch his father die in front of him, and many other people too. Elie could not do anything to help his father, and did not have the power to assist others too. Wiesel responded by staying positive, and encouraged himself when all hope seemed to be