Disillusionment In The Great Gatsby

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The Death of the American Dream, a theme that was portrayed throughout the novels of The Great Gatsby and Of Mice and Men can be explored through relative themes of disillusionment and social classes, and corrupting influence of wealth and power. The relative themes have a large impact as they develop characters and plots to furthermore build up to the point that portrays the death of the American dream. The most important theme that portrays the death of the American dream is social and economic status. The idea of social class is genuinely about the state of a person’s wealth and influence as a being compared to others. Social class, being how important and powerful you are in the society and the role you play on a hierarchy scale. The economic status which falls under social classes, is referred to the social class and category by using the amount of money one earns and how they are paid according to their job to dictate their position. This theme paints the picture of the death of the American dream as it upholds how the ideal of the American dream is so possible whether your position in a society and your economic status, yet it is so much further than the truth. …show more content…

Disillusionment holds a heavy part for the role of social and economic class. Disillusionment is the act of making something look better than it truly is and creating an effect of disappointment upon discovery. The use of this theme however is portrayed to make the American dream seem more achievable than it is. Furthermore it is that of your social class and economic status which dictates your chances of achieving such a dream. Therefore telling us how unless you’re in the upper middle and upper class you have a very low chance of attaining a dream as such and that it is all an illusion created and manipulated by the wealthy and