
Disobedience Essay Examples

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Has there ever been a time when you felt it was necessary to go against the status quo? Where actions were taking place, but it felt wrong, so you went against the flow of everybody else? This point is disobedience. Disobedience and the actions that come with it are important as it is key to progression and promoting change within a society, and it allows for current policies to be kept in check. Disobedience, in essence, is when someone or a group deliberately rejects, goes against, or protests against something occurring or already in place. These actions from a group or person are what facilitates and promotes a society to change for the better. If something, like law or policies, was disagreed amongst the majority of a population, disobedience …show more content…

For instance, in the 20th century, segregation was a huge issue in the United States. The separation against colors drove the society into a great divide that went all the way down to separation of everyday things such as water fountains and bathrooms. However, through civil disobedience, this great divide was protested against and brought down so that the system would change for the better and allow fairness for everybody within the country. A specific instance of civil disobedience in history is with Rosa Parks. She refused to give up her seat for a white person, which helped to spark greater disobedience in the population to the point of change in law. This instance of disobedience on a large scale shows how its actions can lead to the better quality and fairness of life for a population/society. Another example where disobedience acts as a check on society is in the fairness of opportunity for women compared to men. In history, women have had less pay, less opportunity, and less authority in decision. Through advocating, protesting, and acting for change in the gaps between wages and opportunities in life (jobs, sport, etc.), a change between men and women has occurred. These protests have even created the opportunity for women to vote and have a say in what happens politically because of disobedience. Disobeying the norm has allowed for the current system, politically and socially, to be checked. When something seems amiss, society will point out the flaws to ensure that change happens for the

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