Dissociative Identity Disorder Essay

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Dissociative Identity Disorder Allison Nguyen Baker College of Muskegon Dissociative Identity Disorder When I was younger I can remember having many imaginary friends growing up. Someone only I could hear or see, eventually I forgot about their existence and made actual friends. Today I can easily see why I made them up. Growing up was difficult for me with being slower in my education than the others kids my age as well as feeling the cultural separation from the american kids at my school, which made it very difficult for me to make or keep friends. Having taken a psychology class in high school I was able to discover that my imaginary friends were a way for me to cope with my difficult time in school. By making them …show more content…

“My name is Legion, for we are many.” (Berry 1999). The quote best describes dissociative identity disorder, because it shows how even though it is one person she is not all by herself. Everyone has experienced a little bit of multi personality disorder it could be when you were young and had an imaginary friend. However Joseph Goldberg says an example as, “daydreaming or getting lost in the moment while working on a project.” (Goldberg 2014). This sickness is not very common, it is believed that 0.1% to 1% of the population have this disorder but 7% of the population have it and are …show more content…

Unexplained events and inability to be aware of them. Sudden return of memories, as in a flashback and/or flashback to traumatic events. Hallucinations (sensory experiences that are not real, such as hearing voices talking to you or talking inside your head). "Out of body" experiences. Differences in handwriting from time to time. Changing levels of functioning, from highly effective to nearly disabled.” (Pais 2002). Sometimes the symptoms of this unique disorder can last for years, or for the entire life of the inflicted. There is no real cure but there are a few different treatments that help aid the inflicted. One of the most common would be psychotherapy, cognitive behavior therapy, clinical hypnosis, family therapy and

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