
Disturbed Body Image

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Amputation and Disturbed Body Image
Disturbed body image is defined as confusion and/or dissatisfaction in the mental picture of one’s physical self (Doenges, Moorhouse, Murr, 2014). One cause of a disturbance in body image is amputation of a body part. Amputation is a life altering event for patients, which may leave them frustrated and unable to cope. The purpose of this paper is to prove that having some form of support system promotes self-acceptance, in patients with an amputated body part.
The nursing article “Caring for Patients with limb amputation” is a research article and discusses pre- and post-operative care, discharge planning and resources available for reintegration into the community. According to the article “Most patients with amputation exhibit anxiety and depression. They may benefit from targeted therapy, such as positive visualization of life after surgery, hypnosis, guided imagery and visits from religious or cultural leaders” (pg. 56). The article also states that “a major feature of successful community reintegration involves linking amputees with resources, like support groups, therapy groups, work groups and recreational groups in the community” (pg. 56). The research also suggests involving the …show more content…

According to the text, body image can be greatly altered after the loss of a limb, therefore altering the patient’s outlook on life. Research states “Participation in an amputee group can be extremely beneficial for the new amputee, successfully adjusted amputees who have supported in a support group often show that losing a limb is not losing a life and many possibilities exist for a productive, active life” (pg. 8). In general, this research paper shows “support group participation reduced the overall mortality rate and improved the quality of patients’ lives”

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