
Diversity In Native Son

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Native Son by Richard Wright has been deemed as one of the most influential pieces of African American literature. This novel explore many faucets of life that is predominantly found in the Black community such as class conflict, alienation by other races, and identity crisis. Yet it also pertains to all people not just one small portion of the population. The themes in this novel can be applied to the background and culture and this is what gives the novel its diversity. The ethnic and very strong racial tensions that Wright highlight are not limited to just the fights between Blacks and Whites but also highlights the discrimination against Jewish and Irish Americans. Wright did this not to only show the oppression are not just deemed …show more content…

This is the very pool hall that his mother has warned him about the whole time but he does not listen. While at the pool hall he gets in a fight with his gang over a planned robbery and is banned from the pool hall. This causes him great anger and almost causes him not to gain employment with Mr. Dalton however he is hired and his first day on the job he learns the secrets that the White community holds and how they cover their tracks. On his first day Bigger is supposed to drive Mary, Mr. Dalton’s daughter to class at the university but she has different plans. She tells Bigger to take her to her boyfriend, a Communist by the name of Jan Erlone. They ask him to take them to the Southside of town where they experience black life. While on this side of town, the two get drunk and “eat fried chicken” as the blacks are said to do on a daily basis. Bigger does not like this and furthermore Mary is now passed out drunk. Bigger is now scared and tries to sneak Mary into her room but her mother enters the room. Bigger tries to hides Mary’s drunken moans but ends up suffocating Mary and now he tries to try to cover up the body. His attempts do not work and he soon found guilty of her murder. The judge sentences Bigger to die but the novel never tells if he dies while in …show more content…

The Marxist approach is based on the studies of the great philosopher Karl Marx. His major argument he presented was that whoever was in control of the production of society they were also in control of society itself. In other words, whoever owned the factory also owed those that worked inside the factory. Marx termed this as “dialectical materialism”. He felt that the world was heading toward being a communist controlled society. The society’s production would be placed in the hands of the masses not into the hands of the few who actually owned them. Marxism is viewed as the battle cry of the poor and people that are of oppression all over the world. “To cite one example, the middle class tends to resent the poor because so much middle class tax money goes to government programs to help the poor.” (Tyson 57) In so many words the middle class want to live by the “American Dream” which says if you work hard you will have financial success. This in return supposedly means that if you are poor it is because you are

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