Diversity In The Movie 42

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Two diversity change agents that stood out in the film 42 were Branch Rickey and Pee Wee Reese. Rickey a Major League Baseball Executive, decides it is time to break the color barrier and searches for the right black man for the job. He finds Jackie Robinson and realizes that Jackie is the baseballer player that could take on the difficult task of playing in white baseball. Through tough love and constant support, Rickey helps Jackie see the importance of succeeding in his endeavor. Rickey provides Jackie a path to become a Dodger and insists to the team manager and players that they will work with and treat Jackie well. Throughout his journey and trials Rickey is there to offer Jackie counsel during tough times. Reese learns how much Jackie is risking and the abuse that he must endure …show more content…

“So often people sit back and say nothing when something really needs to be said. They may be afraid…sometimes it seems like staying silent is the wiser choice” (Daum, 2014). By taking a stand against the discrimination and refusing to go along with the racist status quo, Reese inspired his teammates and baseball fans to reconsider their beliefs and treatment of African Americans. Challenging a belligerent bully who was belittling Jackie, Reese showed other players that there were men among them who would speak out against this unforgivable behavior. The simple action of standing next to and putting his arm around Jackie while on the field showed baseball fans that he approved and supported him. Similarly, Rickey’s act of offering Jackie a position on the Dodgers team and letting players know they will work with Jackie or be traded, shows that he believes Blacks are equal to whites and should be treated as such. Rickey wanted to show baseball players, fans and all Americans that Blacks deserved respect, equal rights and a fair