In the article, “Diversity Within Unity: Essential Principles For Teaching and Learning in a Multicultural Society”, researchers explore ways to promote unity in the modern classroom by expounding on the diversity in our nation. The article opens with the question, “What do we know about education and diversity, and how do we know it?” (Banks, 2001, p. 196). The research is put together by the work of the Multicultural Education Consensus Panel, which consists of an interdisciplinary group consisting of two psychologists, a political scientist, a sociologist, and four specialists in multicultural education. This panel understood that “schools can make a significant difference in the lives of students, and they are a key to maintaining a free …show more content…
Overall, the article expresses these principles in a way that is understandable and presents ways that teachers and administrators can help exercise these principles in their schools and classrooms. The findings in the article suggest that our schools are not doing an adequate job of unifying the diverse population of our nation. The researcher’s principles they have presented are meant to diagnose and to be implemented so that diversity through unity can occur. From reading the article, it is assumed the meaning of the researchers is to not diversify the population more or to assimilate all cultures into a common culture. Their purpose is to help schools celebrate the diversity in our nation and promote cultural and equal education for teachers and students, promote better intergroup relations within our schools, to help organize our schools in a better way, and to assess students not in just one way but in diverse ways through summative and formative assessments. This article is well written and organized in a way that the reader can understand and apply the research