Divided Among Harvey, By Matt Walsh

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Divided Among Harvey This essay is about a harsh tweet from a twitter user Matt Walsh. The tweet that divided Harvey from the world and disconnected the bigger image of the meaning behind a very influential photo. With many responding very quickly towards these tweets and many taking their stands on their opinions. These Twitter users were furious and had their own version of this tweet. From tweets to articles this is what many had to say about this controversial tweet. Matt Walsh a Christian blogger for the Blaze was the man behind the screen pressing the keys about a very authoritative tweet. He wrote about a photo taken from Hurricane Harvey and posted it on August 28,2017. It was of a man carrying a woman who was cradling her child, …show more content…

They gave background information on the photo and how it came to arise on the internet.(Reslen,Eileen)”Swat officer Daryl Hudeck was photographed carrying a woman named Catherine Pham, who is cradling her 13-month old to safety.”(August 31,2017) Seeing to the fact that this is someone who played a part in saving someone's life they seem to focus more on gender roles rather than (Reslen,Eileen)“focusing on the overall act of human decency.”(August 31,2017)” This is where the gap begins to slowly tear and widen through these statements and background information. The gap just keeps getting bigger and bigger the farther into the article we get. The article starts out with great composure and seeks to speak out against this tweet and bring justice towards the human act and draw attention away from the initial tweet from Matt Walsh. Based on the way the website is just composed and how it looks you can immediately tell that the magazine is definitely intended for a younger audience and looks towards the purpose of creating awareness of the tweet and ideals of the world now. The tone and mood of the article is hostile,but aggressive towards Matt Walsh and his supporters which is disconnecting the real value of the photo from the internet.She demonstrates this hostility by putting up an entire series of tweets from an actual gender studies professor who actually weighs in on the matter and sheds very little light, but she sheds some in the way the article was formatted. The way the article looks is very badly constructed in a way that there isn’t much going on from the author, the author just kinda pulls a lot of memes and the letter from the gender studies professor in order to fill up her blank space.Although after poking fun at the Matt Walsh tweet the author puts in a series of tweets which showed hard working woman and claiming from his statement that it’s not a good idea for

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