Divine Comedy: Inferno By Durante Degli Alighieri

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Durante Degli Alighieri know as Dante, wrote the Divine Comedy: Inferno in exile around 1321. Ciacco’s political prophesies include foretelling the prophesy which involves the conflict between the Black and the White Guelph’s which led to Dante’s exile. He is the politician representative of political figures guilty of gluttony. Political Disdain, Filippo Argenti, represents Dante’s mortality where his grudge against political opponents override his desire of general political parable. We then see the Political understanding through, Farinata, who was exiled as a Ghibelline after losing to the Guelph’s. The Guelph’s were a political group in Italy in the years between 1250 through 1500. They were the rivals of the Ghibellines, who were also