Doc Halladay Research Paper

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“The Shooter” The ghost of Doc Halladay is most likely known as “The Shooter”. His ghost is mostly been sighted at “The Birdcage Theatre” in Tombstone, Arizona. He was shot and killed in Tombstone in the O.K. Corral gunfight against The Clanton’s and the Macalry Gang in late 1863. He is known to have many ghosts and spirits accompanying him in the Birdcage. Billy Clanton and Johnny Rhingo are 2 main spirits that are known to be around there. The Birdcage has had many reports of sightings of his and there ghosts that are said to haunt that building. Johnny, Doc, Billy. They were all killed the same day with all cowboys and gunslingers. Most of the reports say that if you go to the gun case near the Black Moriah which is the hurse that carried

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