Doctor Who Scholarship Essay

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Throughout my lifetime I have watched movies and television shows including flying cars, hoverboards, or anything else that hovered and/or flew; this has always fascinated me. However, of all those movies and TV shows, only one has truly inspired me: Doctor Who. Doctor Who is a sci-fi show with a protagonist: The Doctor, his companions, and antagonists such as, the Daleks or the Cybermen. Moreover, the Doctor's TARDIS (Time and Relative Dimensions in Space) was the most interesting, not only did it fly through time and space and was bigger on the inside, it also flew. Since, I am a fanatic of Doctor Who, The Doctor and his TARDIS motivated me and inspired me to build a flying car, as well as my experience and interest in math, science, and engineering inspired me and steered me down the path of wanting to invent a flying car. Growing up in an area with little opportunity was not easy and I did my best in making the most of what I had, but, I was still prohibited to the little I was provided with. Then, I moved to a better, more high-end place, full of opportunity, by the second semester of my junior year, and it was overwhelming. Nevertheless, this change improved my hopes in inventing a flying car by the school itself being one of the best schools in Michigan. Even though far superior to my old school, I still tried my best in keeping my grades up and joining as many clubs and …show more content…

The next part is thinking of ways the car could fly. Applying to, and entering, a highly qualified college with a major in Aerospace Engineering program and working towards a master’s or even a doctorate degree is next. Then, minor in Quantum physics or entrepreneurship to complete my college study towards achieving the unthinkable, inventing a flying

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