Doctors Disconnection Essay

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My preconceived idea of doctors is what Dr. David H. Newman stated, the discount between doctors and patients stems from their view on medicine. Physicians are trained to diagnose and treat, like what we’ve seen thus far. A lot of them lack empathy, lack the ability to connect with another human being and I think it’s because their hearts are not into it. The primary cause of the disconnection is because medicine has become too much of a business—it’s a well-paying job to live life comfortably, especially in New York City. Not just the position of a physician, but as nurses as well. I have several friends and family members who want to become or who are nurses because it pays well. They want to make tons of money but never have I heard any of them say they want to be a nurse to help people. Unfortunately, that’s my perception when I see doctors and nurses. It’s hard for me to see the good in them when likely they prefer a paycheck rather than see people healthy. …show more content…

People are naturally evil, but I am always surprised when one person changes my mind by their random act of kindness. It’s similar to the expression, “faith in humanity restored.” And I think faith in doctors can be restored if doctors and patients begin to speak the same language of

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