Have you ever been to a Superbowl, watched it on tv or even been to a party to celebrate it? That is because we Americans are very proud of our brand of football, but how does it stack up next to soccer with the amount of money invested in the sport, the amount of money being made from the sport and the total viewership of them. As you know it is not cheap to host a superbowl due to the fact that you have to purchase almost an endless list of things. Some items include food and drinks for vendors which on average will cost at least a million dollars.
Youths should not be banned from participating in sports such as dodgeball, cheerleading, and football. To begin with, dodgeball teaches physical and mental education. According to the text, ”Rick Hanetho, founder of National Amatuer Dodgeball Association said,” It teaches hand-eye coordination, concentration, and to draw quick conclusions” (171). This proves that youths shouldn’t be banned from dodgeball since it teaches them at a young age and it teaches mental and physical lessons. As for cheerleading, youths shouldn’t be banned because the coaches are trained and certified.
I believe that Dodgeball should be banned. This game is basically telling us to go against everything that all of our teachers and principals are telling us. This game is teaching us to not work together and to target people who aren't very athletic. This is also telling us that it is ok to team up on people and that its ok to target people.
Football is America’s favorite sport. American citizens spend their Sunday nights glued to the television, and Friday nights at the stadium watching athletes tackle, run and catch. Some viewers believe that football is too dangerous and should be eliminated from high school. Football is a dangerous sport; however, it should not be eliminated from high schools, because that tactic would be too severe. There are other ways of decreasing the dangers of football.
“Play for the name on the front of jersey, not the back.” A popular quote for sports players. What does it mean? Anyone who’s seen any sports game with a team uniform would know that the team name is located on the top of the front side of the jersey and the player’s last name goes on the top of the backside of the jersey. So, the quote means play for your team and not for yourself.
Sure kids are going to get hurt sometimes but by not letting them play sports is like taking away their freedom. This is an example of when I was younger and got hurt during a sport and they did not let me play, I was absolutely devastated. This has become a big debate around the world weather kids should be allowed to play their sports or if it is too dangerous. Some people believe that kids should drop the sports for safety reasons. However I believe these kids should participate in whichever sports they choose because
Houston Astros player proposed to his girlfriend after winning the World Series (-- removed HTML --) If someone asks Houston Astros shortstop Carlos Correa what he did that night, he’ll probably say, “We beat the Los Angeles Dodgers in Game Seven of a gruelling World Series… oh, and I proposed to my girlfriend!” What!?
Rodeo is one of the oldest sports to exist in the United States; with the first rodeo being held in Cheyenne, Wyoming in 1872. Baseball is the only sport older than it. Today, many people and organizations are trying to shut down rodeo because they claim it is cruel to animals. The sport of rodeo is not cruel to animals through the care and treatment of the livestock and performance horses.
Dodge Ball The game of dodge ball has became an concern all over the world. This is because principals in Elkton Maryland, New Hampshire have recently banded dodge ball from their physical education curriculum. They decided to do this because dodge ball was inappropriate and against what they were trying to teach not to bully. Many principals have now considered banning it too.
Principals of these schools recently banned dodgeball in Hilton, Maryland because they thought it was inappropriate. They think it is against teachings so, they removed it from the pe curriculum. So many schools have taken dodgeball off there teaching list. I think that dodgeball should be brought back.
the star in the catacombs Ah how vividly i recall it was early december of 1942* my whole family had been taken except me and my little brother no doubt that mama and papa were already dead. My family had always been persecuted but this was insanity thots of what they would do to me if they found me or little Sammy oh Sammy this must be terrible for him but even so he was just skipping along humming as he held my hand.
It is true that obesity and physical inactivity can be unhealthy and dangerous for a child; it is the 4 leading cause of death after all (Myer); but banning contact sports wouldn’t necessarily cause obesity or physical inactivity. If contact sports are to be banned children can still choose to play a different sport; there are plenty of other sports like soccer and basketball. In fact, sports are becoming a much more popular thing in the US and more children are getting physically active. According to Terry Adirim : “Half of all children aged 5-18 years in the US are thought to participate in organized sports programs, This nears that an estimated 30 million school aged children children are involved in sports, which represents a substantial increase over the last 20-30 years (Adirim). Now that more and more children are playing sports, obesity and physical inactivity isn’t as high as it once was.
Contact sports have more negative effects than positive effects and due to this kids should stop playing contact
To most kids and students, competitive sports are a gateway to blow off some steam or to have fun. To parents, the sports that their children play and the lessons that they teach are an important part of their development and life. Despite what many ‘experts’ would like you to believe, both of these statements are completely true. I believe that kids should be allowed to play competitive sports due to the health benefits, the lessons that they can teach, and as a result of the advanced equipment and rules that are focused on making sports safe, as well as the fact that sports can keep kids out of trouble. One extremely important reason that forces me to take the position that kids should be allowed to compete in competitive sports is the health benefits that children who play sports recieve.
Persuasion Essay Imagine walking 4 miles with a 100 pound bag full of metal sticks, balls, tees, towels and other equipment. Anyone would have a good cardio workout for the day. Golf I believe is one of the most misunderstood sports of all time. A lot of people tell me, “Golf is not a sport.”