Does Depression Affect The Immune System Essay

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To what Extent does Depression Affect the Immune System? Depression is a mood disorder that can only officially be diagnosed when an individual experiences extreme sadness for a time period of at least two weeks. However, depression is more than an individual feeling sad; depression has negative effects for thoughts, feelings, and physical health. According to the DSM-V, there are nine criteria to help guide in diagnosing depression. These include a depressive mood most of the day, lowered interest/pleasure in activities that were once enjoyable, weight gain or weight loss, insomnia or hyper insomnia, loss of energy, agitation, feeling worthless or guilty, inability to concentrate, and even thoughts of death. Of these nine criteria, at least five must be identified for a diagnosis to be made, and of these five the symptoms, either a depressed mood or loss of interest must be included. These symptoms serve as a baseline that can help to determine the mental state of an individual (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). Even still, it is quite difficult to attribute causation as to why depression …show more content…

For example, there is now evidence from the biological perspective that changes or imbalances in specific neurotransmitter and hormones can give rise to depression. Evidence from the cognitive perspective is that depressive thoughts or even mood leads to depression and even cognitive symptoms. The last perspective, which is sociocultural, includes reason for depression such as economic status or relationships, whether it is intimate or not (Crane, 2009). This last perspective discussed even further complicates the diagnosis and reasons for depression because every culture in the world experiences and has a different take on what depression is. It greatly affects an individual’s life and eventually it can have a great impact on an individual’s immune

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