Does Einstein Fall Orientism

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Does Einstein Fall Victim to Political Scientism? Political scientism has recently become a dominating factor in the science community today. With the current White House staff attempting to discredit and silence those in opposition to its agenda, politics have become greatly intertwined with today’s science. But is this really something that has begun recently, or does it date back to the days of Einstein in the early 1900s? After reading the book Einstein 1905, by John S. Rigden, I have concluded that Einstein did not participate in political scientism. The work that Einstein did in the very early twentieth century was not widely supported. He did his own thing and when someone disagreed with his hypotheses, he did not stop working, …show more content…

If he had political leaders backing him then he would have had a much easier time publishing articles and even passing his dissertation. He would have followed the rules more. Einstein did not produce some of the most important theories in physics because the government was pushing him to, he produced them because he was smart enough to think beyond the boundaries that were set in place for that time. He thought for himself and refused to listen to those who rejected his ideas. His first paper of 1905 was referred to as having a heuristic point of view (Rigden 27). His heuristic point of view would have prevented him from political scientism and all the restrictions it …show more content…

Just like with everything else, it has become corrupt because of politics. Results are being cherry picked and manipulated to appear as though they support the agenda of those paying for it. It is not as pure as it once was, and sometimes the science that is supported by politicians is not proven by any evidence besides the kind they make up in their head. It is not about trying to figure out how the world works, but rather how to convince the ignorant public that the facts are not facts. It can be hard to tell whether the scientific breakthroughs are done because the scientist who made them were really in it for the right reasons, like their love for the field, or if they could make these breakthroughs because D.C. was lining their pockets. Einstein worked until the day he died because of his love for what he was doing. It was simple for him, he had questions and he wanted them

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