Does Kyle Stedman's Essay Annoying Ways People Use Sources

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After gaining more information about the “annoyances” that Kyle Stedman brings to the reader’s attention in his article “Annoying Ways People Use Sources” I was able rank these annoyances based on personal opinion and professional status. Ranking these annoyances from the point of view of a college professor, newspaper editor, popular blogger, and a college student, in my opinion they all shared the most annoying quality, which is referred to as “Armadillo Roadkill” in Stedman’s article. Armadillo Roadkill refers to dropping in a quotation without properly introducing it. I think no matter the profession, having to read a paper, article, or blog post that contains quotes without proper introduction is VERY annoying and takes away from the writing …show more content…

In my opinion this list captures the things that drive college professors crazy while reading papers, primarily focusing on the structure and placement of quotations and the use of too many quotations being at the top of the list. The grammar leading up and following quotations are also mistakes commonly found in papers that drive professors crazy. For a newspaper editor, I would imagine the main goal is to get information to the reader as easy and clear as possible, so I created a list of annoyances that focused on writer’s mistakes that take away the clarity of the piece. Armadillo Roadkill, Dating Spider-Man, Uncle Barry and His Encyclopedia of Use-less Information, I swear I did some research, Am I in the Right Movie? Lastly I Can’t Find The Stupid Link. The use of random quotations, as well as, too many quotations is at the top of my list for the newspaper editor, having these qualities present in articles could take away from the reader gathering enough background and context to fully understand the

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