Does Mcmurphy Change In One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest

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One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest is a film that can change your perspectives. Randle McMurphy’s side of this story is truly inspiring by the way he made the others feel about themselves. McMurphy lied and pretended to be crazy but rather that he is trying to manipulate the system in his advantage. He thought that being in the mental hospital would be more comfortable than going back to his normal life, he was serving a sit month sentence in prison, which haunts him later when he discovers the power of Nurse Matched manipulates him over so that she can send him for electroshock treatments and keep him committed as long as she likes. However, from what we see McMurphy is not a bad person as the nurse think he is. We see that he does care about the others in the hospital with him, and that he makes them feel no different from he is. …show more content…

He is big, loud, sexual, and confident, is an obvious foil for the quiet and intimidated Bromden and the sterile and mechanical Nurse Ratched. His loud, fee laughter stuns the other paitents, who have grown accustomed to repressed emotions. Throughout his introduction of the film, not a single voice rises to meet his. MacMurphy’s self-sacrifice on his behalf echoes himself on the cross to redeem humankind. He slowly gathers the patients around him as he increases his rebellion against Nurse Ratched. When he takes patients fishing, is if he was leading them to the sea to test their faith. Randle McMurphy starts sane and powerful but ends up helpless, having to sacrifice himself for the benefits of all the patients. What he has learned that he does care about the patients that were around him, he helped each one out and he doesn’t realise