
Does Music Make A Difference In A Child's Life?

851 Words4 Pages


Owen Reinig
Rachel Worthington
English 101
8 Dec 2016

Can music make a difference in a child?s life? Does music affect how a child develops throughout the early stages of life? In 1991 a phrase was brought out, it was the ?Mozart effect.? This phrase was used to describe the effect of Mozart?s music on children. Everyone thought if they let their children listen to Mozart, they would become smarter. People believed in this so much that the governor of Georgia asked for money to be set aside to give every newborn child a cd of classical music. This theory was very popular and everyone thought it was true. Even I was played classical music as a kid. It turns out this theory isn?t true. Mozart music doesn?t make you smarter. When you look at the original study of the Mozart music, the study wasn?t even done on children. It was done on young adults. The authors didn?t even used the phrase, ?Mozart affect? in their research or studies at all. …show more content…

Learning to play an instrument at a young age can greatly influence the growth of your brain. One way it changes is your brain develops an enhanced ability to interpret and integrate sensory information such as hearing, vision, and touch. The brain is also better at learning new languages. Learning to play a musical instrument at a young age can help your brain develop and connect different areas within. The communication between areas is strengthened and the volume of the brain grows. Musicians have three benefits of musical training, one being an enhanced ability to integrate sensory information from touch, hearing and sight. Another is brain circuits involved in musical improvisation are shaped by systematic training, which leads to less reliance on working memory and more extensive connectivity within the

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