Does The Two-Term Limit For The President?

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Within the past week, the National People’s Congress in China has voted to eliminate the two-term limit for the president that has been in place since the 1990s. Prior to this vote, a president would have been limited to serving only two five year terms, and would, then, have to step down. It is now permitted for a president to serve for life. The effects of this decision will first be seen in regard to the current ruler, 64-year-old Xi Jinping. According to CNN, Jinping “gave a ringing endorsement to the proposed constitutional changes, calling them a reflection of the ‘common will of the party and the people’” (Jiang). This statement seems to appear true, as only two delegates voted against the change in the country’s constitution. Jinping, however, is described as an extremely powerful ruler. It would be interesting to see if the delegates’ true feelings differed at all from their votes, and if they were simply afraid to vote in any other way, as many people are typically afraid to voice their concerns in a public setting. …show more content…

When people are unhappy with a president, a typical response is to push through their presidency, with the hopes of electing someone who will better serve the people in the future. A president’s term in China, will, now, last for a much longer time and have and the president’s actions and decisions will have a much greater impact on the lives of the people living in China. I believe people will be more inclined to speak out against the conditions they are unhappy with, for the time is too long to “push through”. As a result, a greater divide will be established between those in support of the president and those against

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