Dog Diets Essay

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Why should you change your dog diet from kibbles/cans to fresh food (cooked). If you have ever wondered what, exactly, is in that can or bag of pet food you’re serving your dog every day. You’re not alone. In my experience, the number one reason dog owners look into homemade diets is because they’re concerned about quality. What’s really in that huge bag of dry dog kibble or that tiny can of food your dog seems addicted to? For many people especially those of you who’ve had a bad experience feeding their dogs commercial foods. The question “why should you change your dog diet from kibbles/cans to fresh food (cooked) have been a major concern. Dogs don't get a chance to choose their own diet we do that for them. Our choice of food for our dog …show more content…

Apparently many dog owners today are becoming more knowledgeable about what constitutes biologically correct nutrition for pets. For example, many dog owners realize that carnivorous dog should not be feed carbohydrates like grain, wheat, rice, corn and in particular soy. • And getting, Grain-free, made from human-grade ingredients, affordable food are difficult to get in commercially dog food. This is another reason numerous dog owners are looking into homemade diets – which is less expensive and less frustrating than trying to find affordable, high quality commercial pet food. 4.) The huge majority of commercial dog foods on the market contain chemicals, preservatives and artificial colors that dog owners don’t need to subject their animals to. Even high end commercial brands also use flavor enhancers and extra fats that make the food more pleasant to your dog but are less healthy. 5.) Another benefit of switching to homemade dog food is you can save money by purchasing large quantities of meats and vegetables when they are on sale. You can prepare, package and freeze your homemade dog meals weeks or even months ahead of

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