A Brief Note On Dog Separation Anxiety

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Dog Separation Anxiety - What Is It?
By Beverly A. Langford | Submitted On January 06, 2011

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Expert Author Beverly A. Langford
Have you ever come home and thought "What occurred here?" The house doesn't resemble just how you left it - there's chaos and mess all over the place. Instead of enjoying a quiet evening relaxing at home you have to pack up and clean up a huge mess.

Amusing Behaviors?

Your dog may feel it's …show more content…

If your dog is an out of doors model then he or she may dig holes everywhere in the yard. Maybe you have observed that as soon as you fill one hole in; two more mysteriously appear in its place? Or, possibly your dog delights in pulling the clean washing off the clothes line and destroying your favourite items of clothing by shredding and tearing them up. This isn't only annoying but pricey when you need to replace or fix your damaged possessions.

Noise and Destruction.

Canines suffering from anxiety are often noisy or destructive. Most of these dog behaviours are mealy a symptom of a way bigger problem, dog separation anxiety. Left untreated this problem commonly escalates and gets steadily worse as time goes on. As much as 35% of family pooches are directly suffering from dog anxiety problems.

In extreme cases some dogs are reported to ruin whole rooms, rip down partitions, rip down or damage walls, destroy doors and windows and in some cases rip up carpeted flooring. A number of dogs can injure themselves while destroying items while in the room; with broken glass window panes being a real danger to a dog who is trying to escape the confines of the home.

Aggression And Possessive …show more content…

Other dogs who start with possessive behavior may manifest and grow into aggressive behaviors. An aggressive dog can be extremely dangerous to other animals and people as well. It is always best to manage and train a dog when the undesirable behaviors first appear.

Dog Separation Anxiety When Internalized.

If a dogs separation anxiety is internalized, this behavior might be rather different. Dog who internalize their pain will sometimes seem very sad, even seem depressed while others may self harm and chew at their tails, feet or toes. This self harming behavior can become so serious that amputation is the only alternative. Amputation of appendages is not the solution for the dog and the anxiety symptoms have to be addressed or else the dog is likely to just find another part of their body to chew on when you are not at home.

The Sad Reality.

Sadly, dog's experiencing separation anxiety and the bad behaviours it will cause is the one of the main reasons why people give up and their dogs, send them to the dog pound or have them euthanized. The issue is that if people decide to replace their badly behaved dog with another, odds are that the new addition to the household will also show comparable bad behaviours. Different dog - same awful behaviours. If the dog owner does not learn what to do to manage and train their dogs it is likely that they will have the same sort