Domestic Terrorism Vs International Terrorism

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There are two main types of terrorism. There are domestic terrorist and international terrorist. Although those two main types of terrorism are extremely broad, they are broken down into several more categories based off of motive and beliefs. The several categories consist of state terrorism, religious terrorism, right wing terrorism, left wing terrorism, pathological terrorism, issue-oriented terrorism, separatist terrorism and narco-terrorism. The difference between domestic and international terrorism is quite simple. Domestic terrorism located and operates inside of the United States of America. International terrorism is when the particular group is affiliated with other countries. Out of the broken down eight categories, religious terrorism …show more content…

Al-Qaeda is an international, Muslim religious group. Members of Al-Qaeda believe that they can establish a Global Muslim State under Islamic Law by fighting defensively against the United States as well as other countries. Al-Qaeda was originated in 1988 in Afghanistan and Pakistan. One of their most popular founders was Osama Bin Laden and they are responsible for numerous attacks on the USA as well as other countries (Counter Extremist Project,2018). ISIS is an international, Islamic religious group. ISIS originated as an Al-Qaeda splinter group. Members of ISIS have a motive of implementing Sharia Law which is based on Islam’s past. ISIS is based in Syria and is responsible for numerous kidnappings and murders worldwide (CNN Library,2017). Last, the Ku Klux Klan is a domestic, right-wing terrorism group. The Ku Klux Klan originated after the Civil War to conquer and abuse newly unregulated slaves. Founded in 1866, by 1870, the Ku Klux Klan invaded almost every Southern State in the USA. Their main objective is to re-establish white supremacy. Over time, the Ku Klux Klan became more and more widespread and joined forces with other right-wing organizations and still is said to be mostly in the deep South growing to approximately 10,000 active members (A&E

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