Criticism Of Objectivism By Donna Haraway

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Sociological controversies are often confronted through a selection of opinions formed by the passion of activists. With the evolving principled ideals of society, the idea of social constructionism is becoming more of a controversial issue facing a variety of different standpoints. Debates on the topic of social construction have been ongoing for centuries causing a dramatic divide between those who believe it and those who don’t. Social constructionism is a social theory of knowledge that scrutinizes the development of the way social occurrences are created, developed and practiced by humans. In this case, social constructivism is argued through the eyes of a feminist. Donna Haraway offers a fair critique of the feminist and minority involvement …show more content…

It’s the idea that while scientists are trying to discover truths about the natural world, they avoid biases and all forms of emotional involvement. Haraway is critiquing the idea of objectivity by affirming that it is not possible and that if we continue to use this notion of knowledge making there will be people encouraging an unemotional, impartial point of view. Dona Haraway sees this notion as an illusion or a god trick (Haraway 1988: 587). Objectivity is naturally defined as a spiritual viewpoint that provides an absolute and irrefutable point of view on any given issue. Donna Haraway believes that having objectivity be defined in such a manner provides privilege to unmarked bodies, those who are part of the majority of any given society as they are seen as part of the norm therefore they are considered neutral while the marked bodies, being those who are less neutral and part of any minority or women, are unable to provide their own viewpoint distanced from who they are (Haraway 1988: 586-587). Objectivity was seen as a privilege to the rich, white male demographic where the technology and sciences are dedicated to a country with a colonist, capitalist, militaristic and male dominant (Haraway 1988: 581). Haraway criticized the social constructionists accounts of science through the notion of objectivity forming a strong and fair opinion as to why it is not a correct way to produce