Donnie Darko Character Analysis

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“Donnie Darko? What the hell kind of name is that? It’s like some sort of superhero or something.” (Donnie Darko 2001) Donald Darko is a mentally ill teenager that struggles with schizophrenia throughout the movie. He happens to sleepwalk often and ends up outside in strange places, such as a field in the mountains. Sleepwalking genuinely saved his life, due to the fact that a jet engine landed in his room at night, but he was meeting his special friend for the first time. Donnie has an imaginary friend named Frank, although he is not a typical friend. He is a six foot tall man in a grey rabbit suit that consistently tells Donnie to do cynical things that would affect his life dangerously. An example would be when Frank convinced him to flood his own school and put an axe through the head of their mascot statue. “28 days, 6 hours, 42 minutes, 12 seconds. …show more content…

Donnie discovers time travel, and also falls in love with a new girl at his school, named Gretchen Ross. They attend a Halloween Party together and she is killed by who appears to be Frank the rabbit. Shortly after, Donnie accepted his fate that he was supposed to die the night the plane engine landed in his room. He manages to go back in time and stay in his room on that night. The last scene with Donnie, he is laughing and accepting his death. “I just hope, that when the world comes to an end, I can breathe a sigh of relief...because there will be so much to look forward to.” This quote concurs with Donald’s choice to die. Dying alone is a huge symbol overall in the movie. There are two factors that contrived him to accepting his fate, which was death. Love and mental illness are the two pieces that lead to his