Dorothy Must Die By Danielle Gaige Symbolism

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Through human nature people surroundings influence who they become. The main character Amy is a long way from home, she is snatched by a tornado and taken to Oz. Nothing seems right to Amy at the time she gets there. As she goes through many ups and downs she is picked up by the ORDER, a group of the wicked who have joined together to kill Dorothy. Dorothy is back in Oz and is taking the magic. The wicked explain to Amy she is the only one who can kill Dorothy. Along the way the magic, the characters, and the pressure change Amy. In “Dorothy Must Die” Danielle Paige illustrates symbolism by raising the stakes and building an on edge and sensitive mood. Danielle Paige uses “The Beast” as a symbol to raise the stakes for not only the characters …show more content…

In the text, Amy and Nox went through the portal in which puts them on the other side of the yellow brick wall. They try to climb up it, however nothing worked. After this, Amy starts feel angry and throws a tantrum in frustration. Nox reassures her that everything will be well, even though she is changing into “The Beast”. Out of nowhere Amy starts to punch the way over and over until her hands are covered in blood. All Amy could think about was losing Star. Watching her friend from the ORDER die and everyone is blaming her and leaving her in the dust. One of Amy's punches shook the wall, so she kept punching and finally the wall shattered into little fragments. “ As I punch the wall my hands are oozing out blood all over the wall and my hands.” (Pg. 412) On the other side of the wall Lulu was standing there. On page 415 it says “ You really know how to make a dramatic entrance!” This shows raising the stakes because the reader knows they are on the other side of the wall and there is nothing that they can do but yet we know that there is hope for them to get through. It also builds a mood because the reader is flustered as we the reader picture the blood running down Amys hand and all the emotions Amy’s having while Nox is trying to calm her down. They both help the story by taking the reader to a point where the reader feels like they’re there and makes the reader feel the emotions the characters are feeling. Building a mood and raising the stakes work together to make the story so much better for the