
Doubt Sister Aloysius

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In my opinion, in the play “Doubt”, Father Flynn was not the wrong guy. His argument about children getting the support, love from the elderly figures including teachers stood up to me. However, Sister Aloysius is shown as a mean character throughout the play who is not very well liked by another character of the play; Sister James. Also, the students from the Catholic School where she is a principal are very frightened during her presence. During the play, Sister James shares the incident of the student, Donald Muller smelling alcohol in his breathe after his rectory with Father Flynn. After getting this information, Sister Aloysius believes that the priest, Father Flynn has been molesting a 12 years old boy named Donald Muller, the school’s only African American student. During the time of …show more content…

But Sister Aloysius was stuck with her assumptions of thinking Father Flynn as the bad guy. After Father Flynn left, Sister Aloysius had a talk with Sister James and told her she is too innocent to understand his motives. Sister Aloysius says, “ Eight Years ago at St. Boniface we had a priest who had to be stopped. But I had Monsignor Scully then … whom I could rely on. Here, there’s no man I can go to, and men run everything.We are going to have to stop him ourselves” (Shanley 22). This demonstrates that the reason for her to accuse Father Flynn was because of her experience, she accused that because he was different than her and fell under the category of Vatican II which made her believe that he must be the bad guy, who was only trying to help his students. Sister James thought the reason behind Sister Aloysius accusing Father Flynn must be because of her past experience. Sister James said to her, “. You just don't like him! You don't like it that he uses ballpoint pen. You don't like it that he takes three lump of sugar in his tea. You don't like it that he likes “Frosty the

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