
Down Syndrome Persuasive Speech

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Everyone has a something that they’re not ready to talk about, a secret that they would rather take to the grave to make their life less complicated than it already is. I’m a very open person, I’m willing to tell anyone about anything they ask me about, if it’s not too personal, or a topic that I’m not comfortable talking about. But I’m also very private when it comes to my family and my home life. It’s not because I don’t love my family or because I think there’s something wrong going on in my family… It’s because I haven’t come to terms with the fact that I was given up on before I was ever even given a chance. I’m in no way ashamed of who I come from, but it’s a very touching topic, and lately even just thinking about the whole situation …show more content…

NIPT is a fetus blood test used to detect and diagnose down syndrome and other chromosomal conditions at an early stage in the pregnancy. A few weeks later, the doctor brought my mother in to give her the results of the tests which said that I had a very high chance of being born with down syndrome. Days later my mother had an amniocentesis done which proved that there was a very slim that I would be born without down syndrome. At this point my mother had three options, she could have the baby or, have an abortion. Thankfully, she decided to go through with the pregnancy and have the baby. Unfortunately, her and my father didn’t think they were capable of caring for a child with down syndrome, so they decided to put me up for adoption at birth. Gratefully, I was born a healthy baby, but I was still unwanted by my birth parents. Straight from the hospital I was given to my new family, which a few years later, I learned that they are my maternal grandparents. For the first few years of my life I called my grandparents, mommy and papa, until I was six years old when I found that they were my grandparents. Even though they’re the only parents I’ve ever known and loved, I still call them grandma and papa at home. But when I’m talking about family with friends, I refer to them as my mom and dad, because that’s who they are to me, I’m not sure why I do it, I think it’s more

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