Dr Hyde Good Vs Evil Essay

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Robert Steveson once wrote, “In each two natures are at war - good and evil”, highlighting the struggle between good and evil within people. In the short novel In The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Mr. Utterson, a lawyer, tries to unravel a mystery of occurrences and connections between a murderous criminal and a renowned doctor. As the story progresses, the complicated relationship between the doctor and the criminal is revealed and exposes the duality of the doctor. In The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Stevenson emphasizes the duality of man through contrasting emotions of virtue and evil causing internal conflict. In Chapter 3, one can balance good and evil, but oftentimes, one tends to lean toward one side rather than another. When Utterson …show more content…

When Utterson questions Lanyon about seeing Jekyll, Lanyon denies Jekyll’s presence, stating, “I wish to see or hear of Dr. Jekyll” (6). The tone of his voice indicates his uncertainty and hostility towards Jekyll. As Lanyon tries to discard Jekyll in his conversation with Utterson, Utterson tells him, “We are three very old friends, Lanyon; we shall not live to make others” (6). Utterson attempts to convince Lanyon to not misjudge Jekyll and should try to reconcile with him, though Lanyon still rejects Jekyll. As a result, in Chapter 6, Stevenson represents the duality of man through the emotions of morality and conscience. In Chapter 10, repressing the deepest urges will only further increase the chance of replacing one’s normal behaviors and choices. Jekyll’s repressed urges created a deformed Jekyll, and yet Jekyll accepted it, stating, “And yet when I looked upon that ugly idol in the glass, I was conscious of no repugnance, rather a leap of welcome” (10). Jekyll was conscious of the evil repressed inside him and welcomed the evil instead of detesting