Dr Jekyll And Hyde Good Vs Evil Essay

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Jekyll and Hyde Good vs evil Stevenson presents the idea of duality through the differences between Dr Jekyll and mr Hyde. Throughout the novella, there is a repeated antithesis as the good of Jekyll is compared to the “detestabillity” of Hyde. Jekyll has a highly respectable front and is known for a having a good reputation, however Hyde is infamous he known for being evil and is strongly disliked by all he meets. Hyde is described as “like Satan” and “devilish” empathising his pure evil and his dangerous and deplourable nature. Whereas Jekyll is often described as a respected man and is “well built”. These contrast further reinforce the sheer difference in the two possible side of man. Emphasing duality of ones nature and how man is made …show more content…

For example Jekyll describes Hyde as the “evil side of my nature” the use of the word “my” shows how Jekyll really felt as if he owned Hyde, and originally felt in control of him. As the novella carries on mr Hyde gets even more evil gaining power along the way and eventually Jekyll’s control is lost and he no longer has any power over Hyde. It could also represent how Jekyll felt Hyde was a true part of him, they weren’t two separate people but two parts of one whole. This could be Stevenson’s way of criticising the dual nature and hypocrisy of Victorian society. In chapter 10 Jekyll also says when he (Hyde) murdered sir Danvers Carew he “tasted delight with every blow” this shows how Jekyll really truly enjoyed being Hyde and carrying out the evil acts that he committed. Jekyll and hyde are together as one and not two separate people and he is “commingled ... out of good and evil” to create a sadist like character who enjoys wrong doings. Contextually Victorian gentleman wouldn’t want to be seen enjoying this, this is why Jekyll used Hyde to carry out this part of him, they wouldn’t want to create a scandal or ruin there reputation which was very important to …show more content…

They act as agents of disorder and chaos and cloud judgement of reality. The play begins with the witches when they meet on the heath they say “when shall we three meet again, in thunder,lightning or in rain” the use of paethetci fallacy where the weather i reflecting the mood symbolises destruction and instantly introduces a dark and disturbing tone to the play. It could also be to show the witches undeniable power and how they can use the weather to create an ominous toe and cause disaster. “The instruments of darkness” are a manipulative catalyst of all evil throughout the play. For example, they say “fair is foul and foul is fair” this suggest not all is as it seems and creates a eerie and mysterious tone. It also represents how good and evil can easily be mistaken as one another, this is a prominent theme throughout the play. This immediately “fogs” Macbeth’s vision tempting him towards the unforgiving. Lady Macbeth’s bond with