Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde Summary

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5During the entire semester, the ability to create new knowledge from a critical perspective has been the main focus. The literary works of, “Jekyll & Hyde,” “Being Human,” “Navoko and Garret,” and prior writing assignments in and outside the classroom has initiated the journey in seek of new knowledge. The course of the semester has equivocally brought many opportunities for learning the ideas and thoughts in assigned readers through a different “lens.” The main concepts of folklore, mythology, humanity, and monstrosity, have all contributed to give us a deeper understanding of human ontology. As we learn more about human ontology, we must first examine and analysis the readings and previous writing assignments to adequately assess and understand …show more content…

Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Stevenson sticks with the transformation theme, but takes a different route on it. Instead of the transformation going from childhood into adulthood, Stevenson focuses on the transformation between good and evil. Dr. Jekyll can create a potion that separates the good from the evil and creates an alternate identity for him. The alternate identity is Mr. Hyde. Dr. Jekyll enjoyed transforming between the two at first, but soon after he was able to control the transformations, and he could not live with himself. Thus he became a monster, Mr. Hyde and decided that it was best just to kill himself,” The scientist and one of the other two characters, which is Hyde that the entire story focuses around. His close friendship with Utterson is the central driving force of the whole work of literature. He has the serious intention of bettering humanity with the means of chemicals to separate the disparate elements of the nature of a person, into entirely distinct human beings. His experiments that he conducts with this process upon himself, which leads to the creation of Hyde. Hyde tends to be more relatable to the story than the novel's protagonist, Utterson. This is easier to identify with a character who has their faults than the one who is positively driven by all their intents and purposes. One of their tenets and objectives is one of unimpeachable integrity. Conclusively, he recognized as a sympathetic character in the story, who is …show more content…

Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" story. Throughout the story, the author investigates the nature of human duality by the expressing the life of Dr. Jekyll, and his struggles to destroy the evil the presides in his life. The evil side of him which he has obtained as his personality is something he attempts to rid himself. The solution to this problematic issue is by developing potions that are intended to split his personalities into two separate personalities. Unfortunately, Dr. Jekyll discovers that there is no method of reversing this issue of separating an individual's good and evil qualities entirely. As we read this further into the story, there is truly no way to conquer an individual's evil side and the controlling impulses that they possess. A significant part of Christianity and other religions in our society rely on those tenets that they place on those individuals, which they are held responsible for their longings and their impulses. As Dr. Jekyll discovers, unrestrained evil can have catastrophic results in society. If society learns to not to be tempted in going onto the evil society, and stick with the good side, fate of humanity could last. It is up to society as a whole to control ourselves and our environment around us because, the if evil takes over our sociiety, therer will be no going