The Sixth Sense is a film that tells the story of Cole Sear, a troubled and isolated boy who has the ability to see and talk to the dead, and an equally troubled child psychologist called Dr. Malcolm Crowe, who tries to help Cole overcome his “mental condition”. The film has a critical switch-ending scene, which turns the film upside down, making it very unique. The switch-ending scene works in the Sixth Sense to provide the missing piece of evidence that helps the audience understand the correct message which the movie attempts to communicate. The message is about perception and how the character of Malcolm and the audience is deceived by what appears to be and what is real. This is provided by reinforcing the previous foreshadow scenes seen throughout the film suggesting that Dr. Malcolm was dead …show more content…
Malcolm astonished by his confession, suggests Cole to try to listen to them so that way the appearances of the ghosts can go away. After Cole follows this advice he recognizes that what all the ghosts wanted was to listen and solve their unfinished businesses with his help. Near the end, Cole suggests Malcolm speak to his wife while she is asleep to apologize for forsaking her. At that moment, Anna drops her ring and says, “ I miss you, Malcolm”. Amazed by the moment, Malcolm looks at his hand and realizes he does not have a ring on his finger. Then, he begins to think and connect the dots and realizes he has been killed by the gunshot, and he was wandering around all this time trying to help Cole with his “problems” when he could not even help himself. In this scene, the audience shock by the revelation of the scene can finally put all the dots together and recognize that Malcolm was a misguided soul trying to help Cole embrace his abilities when Malcolm himself was looking for light and guidance from