Dr. Martin Luther King's Dream

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Equality for all people of different races continues to be a big issue in American Society. Dr. Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech had a tremendous impact and encouraged many Americans to push for equal rights and Justice in America. Although many people believe that Dr. Martin Luther King’s dream is something that is possible and achievable in modern day society due to the recognition of discrimination and gradual acceptance of all races in society, I believe that the complete equality of all people will never be totally achieved because of human’s history of inequality, along with human’s natural selfish, and controlling trait.
History has always shown that equality and acceptance has been a continuing problem throughout history. …show more content…

Many governments and organizations are corrupted because of human’s natural tendency to gain power and control. Martin Luther King states, “It is unfortunate that demonstrations are taking place in Birmingham, but it is even more unfortunate that the city’s white power structure left the Negro community with no alternative.” (213) Martin Luther King is explaining how white men are in power, yet they are still failing to acknowledge African American rights. Due to this selfish trait, many people feel entitled to take away power from people of different races to fulfil their need for control and power. Humans have always naturally segregated due to the difference of life style and culture in different races. Each group of people have very different cultures and ethical backgrounds. People of different races often have different ideas and views, which naturally leads to a conflict in society. Humans naturally compete for power and control over people of different races. Due to human’s natural selfish character trait, the idea of a race other than one’s own dominating, and influencing different ideals is looked down upon by people. Martin Luther King’s dream cannot be achieved in society because of the selfish trait that is in human …show more content…

People with different life styles, cultures, religions, and ideas of how the world should work. With a country full of different mindsets and ideas. It would be next to impossible for every individual to agree with the same equality standards, and treat every human being exactly the same. Different cultures have different standards of what is justified as equality. With every human being striving to be successful in all aspects of life. It is simple human nature to be competitive. With competition being a part of human nature it causes people of different races to belittle other races to build up their own self ego and reputation. Ultimately, with a society full of people with different ideals and culture backgrounds it will never be possible for society to achieve complete equality in all aspects of