
Dr. Seuss Accomplishments

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Theodor Geisel, also known as Dr. Seuss, was a famous writer and cartoonist. He has written political cartoons, children’s books, poems, and even film scripts. Dr. Seuss was born on March 2, 1904 in Massachusetts. Seuss was the age of eighteen when he started attending Dartmouth College and a short time after that he became an editor of Jack-O-Lantern. Dr. Seuss likes to use his power of writing to bring joy and happiness, especially for the children throughout the world. Whether he was drawing or writing, his work was always something to be gazed upon. Many of his best selling books had deeper meanings to them that expressed the struggles that happened during his life time. When Seuss was growing up he was part of anti-German view, since his family moved from Germany, isolating him from society. To retaliate against this, his family would often think of practical jokes against their neighbors, these jokes brought on laughter because none of them were never actually carried out. The family practical jokes/plots from Seuss' childhood were signs of his later works that got published in his adult life . Helen Geisel, his first …show more content…

Seuss’s life were what forged his poems and stories to make them what they are today. His life spanned two world wars, a cold war, the civil rights movement, and a technology revolution. Anyone who lives through all of those life changing events, has enough material to make something great and that’s just what he did. Seuss’s books are about these world changing events and the controversy that arose with them. The “Green Revolution” was a factor that influenced Dr. Seuss’s work. Many trees were being cut down and this was a concern towards Seuss. As a political activist, Dr. Seuss got a message out to everyone that it was bad to cut down trees. He did this by writing the book “The Lorax”. Seuss made his works and political understandings in a way that kids could understand and want to

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